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Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers has lodged a submission responding to the Productivity Commission’s draft report into philanthropy

As discussed in the previous edition of our Community & Associations Newsletter, the Productivity Commission released on Thursday, 30 November 2023 its draft report on its inquiry into philanthropy.

Amongst other draft recommendations, the Commission has proposed that:

  • school building funds and funds supporting religious instruction in government schools would no longer be eligible for Deductible Gift Recipient status. Under this proposal, existing school building funds and existing funds supporting religious instruction in government schools would also lose DGR status; and
  • the ‘Basic Religious Charity’, and the associated exemptions from certain Australian charity law obligations that are currently available to the Basic Religious Charity, would be abolished.

Submissions responding to the Draft Report were due by Friday, 9 February 2024. Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers made a submission responding to the Draft Report, which you can view here. The Commission’s final Report was delivered to the Treasurer on Friday, 10 May 2024 and will be released to the public at a later date (yet to be advised).

Josephine Heesh, Partner

Samuel Chu, Lawyer

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