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A. Requests for ad hoc sponsorship

Community Matters and Pro Bono and Social Responsibility –

Helping those in need

What is sponsorship?

Sponsorship is a payment made to be associated with an event; a type of advertising. Sponsorships are most common with charitable events, but are also prevalent among sporting teams and community causes. Sponsorships are also a type of affinity marketing, with certain rights and benefits going to the sponsor.

 Key priorities to apply to requests for sponsorship

  1. Current client?
  2. Potential client?
  3. Brand awareness opportunity?

 It is up to the person making the request to outline the benefits and make a case for financial support.

 Questions to answer

  1. Will this opportunity support a current fee paying client?
  2. Is the amount of financial support requested $5,000 or less?
  3. Is the amount of fees the client has paid in the last 12 months more than $100,000?
  4. Is a lead partner able to be involved e.g. attend and secure the attendance of external guests if an event is involved?
  5. Is there a person attached to the event who can communicate with our BD team and deliver photos and stories for social media? (that we do not have to chase apart from initial conversations)

Yes – support granted after discussion at the next Deputy Managing Partner/ General Manager and Director Communications and Business Development monthly business development & marketing meeting.


May be considered if a case can be made for any of the criteria below.

  1. Client is a developing client with “fees growth” potential
  2. Brings the firm something in return i.e. good will, brand visibility etc..
  3. Provides positive publicity i.e. there will be media coverage
  4. Provides special privileges to our lawyers or clients such as VIP access, free tickets, hospitality
  5. It is not an urgent request that requires a decision to be made in a rush.

 Is the request for more than $5,000?

 Questions to answer

  1. Is the amount of fees the client has paid in the last 12 months $250,000 or more?
  2. Does the request fit with the firm’s overall Community Matters and Pro Bono and Social Responsibility helping those in need strategy?
  3. Is a lead partner able to be involved e.g. attend and secure the attendance of external guests?
  4. Is there a team attached to the event who can communicate with our BD team and deliver significant returns on our investment?
  5. Does the request help achieve any of the firm’s strategic goals?
  6. Is the sponsorship opportunity in keeping with the firm’s values?

Yes – support granted after discussion at the next Deputy Managing Partner/ General Manager and Director Communications and Business Development monthly business development & marketing meeting

 None of the above? 

Is the request not sponsorship but a request for a donation?

Donations have no marketing activities attached.

Should the request be declined?

A precedent letter to be sent explaining we have other pro bono and community support initiatives we are focusing on this year and thank the person for thinking of us and respectfully decline.

We might  welcome them to apply again in 12 months time, if relevant. This letter can be signed by the Director Comms and BD or the Partner after discussion, or on behalf of.

B. Requests for purchase of a table.

Request to purchase a table at an event

Requests to purchase tables should be treated in a similar way to requests for sponsorships.

 Key priorities to apply to requests for purchase of a table

  1. Current client?
  2. Developing client?
  3. Are individual tickets available or must we purchase a whole table?

 It is up to the person making the request to make a case for the purchase of the table outlining the benefits.

 Questions to answer

  1. Will this opportunity support a current fee paying client?
  2. Is the cost of the table $1,500 or more?
  3. Is the amount of fees the client has paid in the last 12 months more than $30,000 – 50,000?
  4. Is a lead partner able to be involved e.g. attend the event and secure the attendance of external guests if an event is involved?
  5. Is there a person attached to the event who can communicate with our BD team and deliver photos and stories for social media? (that we do not have to chase apart from initial conversations)

Yes – support granted after discussion at the next Deputy Managing Partner/ General Manager and Director Communications and Business Development monthly business development & marketing meeting.

May be considered if a case can be made for any of the criteria below.

(a) Client is a developing client with “fees growth” potential.
(b) We can purchase tickets rather than a whole table and we have partners and lawyers who are willing and able to attend.

 If none of the above the invitation should the invitation be declined

An email or telephone call is sent / made explaining we have other commitments and politely decline.. This can be done by the Director Comms and BD or the Partner after discussion, or on behalf of.  We may indicate an interest in attending another event in the future, or the same event next year and thank them for considering us

Requests for sponsorship Vs requests for purchase of a table – what’s the difference?

Requests for sponsorship may include an event, but not always. When they do not include sponsorship they are classified as purchase of a table only.


An example of a sponsorship request that includes a table would be a not-for-profit organisation hosting a gala dinner. They  offer sponsorship at bronze, sliver of gold levels and sponsorship at any of those levels includes a table of 10, or for example 2 tickets to the dinner.

 Purchase of a table.

There may or may not be sponsorship on offer but we are considering, or only being asked to purchase a table. An example might be an event held by the Law Society, or a community legal centre anniversary awards night.

These two items come under different line items in the budget and are treated differently for payment.

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