Charity Law: Live Legal Issues for Religious, Educators and Churches @ ACU
Published on October 19, 2012 by Howard Harrison
Charity Law:Live Legal Issues for Religious, Educators and Churches will be held at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney campus, on the 28 November 2012.
Speakers include Mark Wilson, National Risk Manager Catholic Insurances, Peter Cartwright Director of Finance De La Salle Brothers, Dr Rodger Austin Canon Lawyer, as well as our own lawyers. Josephine Heesh, Associate, will Chair the seminar and she brings a wealth of experience to the proceedings.
Full details on the topics and speakers are available on our website. Or a quick summary is below.
The topics include:
- Special Issues – a chaotic time; royal commissions, parliamentary inquiries and police reporting;
- Public Juridic Persons in Canon Law – nature, purpose and constitution;
- Governance – ethical issues for directors;
- ACNC and Religious Congregations;
- Cyber-Bullying and Bullying in Schools – what are the legal implications?
- Adoption issues;
- Managing Risk in your Organisation.
It should be an interesting morning.
Link to full details online.