The NDIS, Compensable Injury and Paybacks

Where a disabled person who is in receipt of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports suffers a compensable injury issues arise as to what effect the compensation will have on…

A Career in Science and the Law

…involved a combination of anatomy, neurology, chemistry, physics and radiology (among other subjects), while the chiropractic component involved learning about the practical aspects of chiropractic practice. My most vivid learning…

The legality of Victoria’s border closure with New South Wales

…the border closure and associated measures.   [1] [2] The Declaration itself was made pursuant to section 198. [3] Section 193 and 2013 of the Act. Also see Public…

When a residential building falls down – who is responsible?

Committee Members to address rather than defer any needed enquiries notifications and expenditure, to better protect safety and structure. You can contact Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers here. [1]  …