Incident Reports

…ensure that you put CONFIDENTIAL at the top of the incident report and add an acknowledgment at the bottom by the person making the statement about its purpose and about…

A short lesson on the Education Act

…a director or responsible person and want to ensure the financial transactions of the school are compliant with the Act, then please contact us for further information. Jessica Lobow, Associate…

New Retail Lease Regulations

…their property is effectively leased and off limits for five years. Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers acted for a restaurant operator in a large RSL club. He only had a one…

New Retail Lease Regulations

…end of his term however we were successful (at first instance and then on appeal) in arguing he was a retail tenant and accordingly entitled to stay and operate his…

Tips for a successful Family Law mediation

and if not resolve any dispute in relation to the value of assets either by agreement or obtaining a joint formal valuation. Making a list of your options for settlement…

What to do if you are injured in a cycling accident?

…important to contact a lawyer at the earliest opportunity to help advise and navigate you through this process.   Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.…

Sports Club saved from Sharks

only came after a lengthy and costly court battle. For further information, contact Selwyn Black, email:, phone: (+612) 8226 7359 and Nicholas Huang, email:, phone: (+612) 8226 7367….