Judge Gerard Phillips

…Judge Gerard Phillips, will present his vision for the PIC and what it means for injured people of NSW and for practitioners in the jurisdiction. For more information, contact MarketingGroup@codea.com.au…

Bob Carr

Topic: The Hon Bob Carr will be speaking on the Uses of Politics Following the talk there will be a book signing and copies of his latest book “Run For

Happy Royalties to You

…as the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) has submitted that if Warner/Chappell Music doesn’t own the copyright, ACEI does. ACEI is the sole shareholder of the foundation created by…

Victorian Government Cladding Scheme

…from the use of non*]}*-compliant and highly flammable cladding on their properties. To date, no class action has been filed in a Victorian court and it appears unlikely that any

Building & Construction Disputes

on making or responding to payment claims under the Security of Payments legislation and can even provide advice on advertising materials and disclaimers for Australian Consumer Law compliance. When it…

Changes to unfair contract terms explained

…November apply to the following: Standard form contracts entered into on or after 12 November 2016; Standard form contracts renewed on or after 12 November 2016; and A variation of…


…claim of defamation, requires immediate action. Our Lawyers will move quickly to seek removal of defamatory or slanderous online publications as well as initiating action against outlets and individuals responsible…