With the current state of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Australia, is it time to consider a National Vaccine Compensation Scheme?

…economically and from a health perspective and would mean that Australia would fall into line with other countries including the UK and the USA. [1] https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/astrazeneca-and-pfizer-what-are-the-side-effects-f [2] https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/growing-number-of-australians-say-they-will-never [3] https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/growing-number-of-australians-say-they-will-never…

The New Metadata Retention Laws & Privacy

…as any other form or combination of forms. 3. Who can access the retained metadata? The Amendments largely build on the current interception and access regime under Part 4 of…

What are my rights as a parent?

…exposed to abuse, ill-treatment, violence or other adverse behaviour that is directed towards, or may affect another person; (h) The attitude of the child, and the responsibilities of parenthood as…

The Religious Freedom Review Report Recommendations

and that the school policy on the issue is made publically available, provided to current and prospective employees contractors, and students. Recommendation 7, which relates to discrimination in relation to…

The Religious Freedom Review Report Recommendations

…“employment as a member of the staff” “a position as a contract worker” “the provision of education or training” However, for the discrimination to be lawful, the education institution must…

Is product liability insurance snake oil?

…use of non*]}*-compliant products vs non-conforming products; asbestos; and compliance with relevant Australian Standards. 1. Interim report: Aluminium Composite Claddings, Economics References Committee, Non-Conforming Building Products Inquiry, September 2017 p

Review of Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission legislation

…of reference may be downloaded here: https://consult.treasury.gov.au/people-and-communications-division/acnc-legislation-review/consultation*]}*/download Written submissions in response to the terms of reference may be submitted until 28 February 2018 by email to ACNCReview@treasury.gov.au, or by post.

Managing work-life balance during periods of chaos: The five point plan

As first published at http://www.womensagenda.com.au/career-agenda/item/1586-managing-work-life-balance-during-periods-of-chaos-the-five-point-plan While we can thank feminist activists for obtaining the right for women to enter the workforce, modern women have a new struggle: managing the demands…