Journey claims — don’t stop believin’

…non*]}*-compensable since Section 10(3A) of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (NSW) requires there to be a “real and substantial connection” between the employment and the accident or incident out of

Step by Step, Day by Day – the gradual easing of ‘Social Distancing’ measures in NSW

…Day A fresh start over A different hand to play The deeper we fall The stronger we stay A we’ll be better The second time around …”   [1] [2]*]}*-and-case-numbers

Digital Signatures in the COVID-19 World

(and a court) in determining who actually signed the document and when they purportedly signed it. Programs such as Adobe EchoSign and DocuSign are now commonly used by businesses and

Covid-19 claims resulting from the death of a worker or aged care resident

…claims. Please contact Julia Harrison, Partner, or Paul Ohm, Special Counsel to discuss.   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]…

What is a “grant of probate”?

…of a deceased person. Please contact Gillian Kirwan at Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers on 02 8226 7321 for legal advice or assistance in commencing an application for grant of probate….