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Establishment of NCAT - NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Establishment of NCAT – NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Published on March 24, 2014 by Howard Harrison

In late 2012 the New South Wales (NSW) Government announced it’s decision to establish the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). It commenced operations in January 2014.
This new system provides a streamlined framework for administrative and civil justice that integrates 23 existing NSW tribunals.

At this stage NCAT does not include the Industrial Relations Commission, Motor Accidents Authority or Workers Compensation Commission, however we will continue to look to government for news on this issue as it has stated that their consolidation may be considered in the future.

NCAT is structured in  such a  way  as  to preserve existing specialities and ensure that a one size fits all approach is not taken, distinguishing it from the ‘super tribunals’ established in other Australian jurisdictions.
NCAT’s strengths lie in its ability to provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for minor disputes and review of administrative decisions within shared resources, and providing greater accessibility for people in  regional areas.

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