April 20, 2021 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Towards the Rising Sun
Tim will talk about his extraordinary life journey and role as an architect including his involvement in the Sir John Monash Centre in Amiens in France, his thoughts and reflections on the World War I legacy including Indigenous issues and he will give an insight on his current interests.
About the speaker:
In 1988, Tim Williams worked in France for architects with a specific interest in urban and cultural projects. On his return he set up his own practice; Tim Williams Architects providing services to Councils and Government bodies, as well as private clients.
He also has extensive experience in cultural and infrastructure projects.
Tim’s projects have received awards for Landscape, Urban design, Architecture and furniture design and in 2012, he was awarded the Australian Award for Urban Design.
In 2013 he represented Australasia at a seminar in France entitled “The Impact of Cultural Institutions on Urban and Territorial Development.”
In 2014, his collaboration with other esteemed architects Cox Architecture and Hector Abrahams won the architectural competition for the Sir John Monash Centre. He lived in Amiens, Northern France, to deliver the most important Australian cultural institution outside Australia, which was ultimately awarded an International Architecture Award in 2019.
Tim has been a tutor and lecturer at USYD, UNSW and UTS in both Architecture and Urban design Tim gave the 40th Anniversary Oration in French at the CAUE (Centre D’architecture, Urbanisme et Environment) and the 2019 World Architecture Day Oration on the topic of Calling Australia Home.
In August 2014, Tim was honoured as a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, for his contribution to French Culture.
Tim is now the Manager of Urban design and Heritage at Waverley Council.
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