April 24, 2018 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Carroll & O’Dea, Level 20, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Michael Sexton is the Solicitor General for New South Wales. A graduate of the law schools of the universities of Melbourne and Virginia, he spent some years as an academic lawyer before taking up practice at the NSW Bar. He was appointed Solicitor General in 1998. He is co-author of the Australian text on defamation and the author of several books on Australian politics and history. In the area of public administration he has been chairman of the NSW State Rail Authority and a board member of the NSW Public Transport Authority, the NSW Library, the Sydney Writers’ Festival and the University of Technology Council.
To book please contact Belinda Boutsikakis, Event Coordinator bboutsikakis@codea.com.au or 9291 7152.
Please RSVP by Friday 20th April