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Chris Wheeler, Deputy NSW Ombudsman


May 29, 2018 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Carroll & O’Dea, Level 20, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney

Procedural Fairness

Where an administrative investigation can result in significant detriment to the interests of individuals, the procedural fairness implications can be complex.

On the one hand, there is a need to ensure that matters are effectively investigated, and that risks to complainants and whistleblowers are appropriately managed.

On the other hand, there can sometimes be catastrophic consequences of being the subject of a less than competently undertaken investigation, or a vexatious complaint or disclosure.

At times there will also be the conflict that can arise when the needs of legal purism conflict with administrative practicality (if not administrative reality).

To book please contact Belinda Boutsikakis, Event Coordinator or 9291 7152.

Please RSVP by Friday 25th May.

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